Our core values:


Health Equity




Member Focused



Who We Are

Equitable, quality health care for all Pennsylvanians

The Pennsylvania Charitable Healthcare Coalition is the support and advocacy organization for our Commonwealth’s free and charitable healthcare providers and the patients they serve. 

We advance the healthcare safety net by empowering organizations that increase access to care for the uninsured and underinsured. 

The Pennsylvania Charitable Healthcare Coalition:

  • represents the best interests of Pennsylvania’s charitable clinics and the patients they serve

  • provides education and resources to free and charitable clinics operating in Pennsylvania

  • represents the needs of member clinics and the patients they serve on various statewide, regional, and national committees

  • educates the public, legislators, policymakers, and clinics

  • connects economically disadvantaged individuals to clinics in their area

  • provides guidance to start or strengthen free and charitable clinic operations


PCHC does not receive any designated federal or state funding to support its operations.

We rely on:

  • Membership dues

  • Programmatic grants

  • Event sponsorships

  • Contributions from our supporters.

Become a Member

We encourage you to become a PCHC member if you are a 501(c)(3) free clinic, charitable clinic, hybrid clinic, charitable pharmacy, or charitable vision care center providing one or more of the following to uninsured and underinsured residents of Pennsylvania:

  • Direct Patient Services

  • Primary Care*

  • Medical Screenings

  • Linkages to Specialty Care and Chronic Disease Management

*Primary care includes family medicine, general internal medicine, geriatrics, pediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, general dentistry, and behavioral health.

PCHC Membership Year is July 1st through June 30th.


Pennsylvania’s free and charitable healthcare organizations could not exist without the generous work provided by community volunteers.

Many volunteers view their service as an opportunity to practice “true medicine,” working directly with the patients who need it most. Other volunteers are driven by faith to serve others, and view providing charitable healthcare as a form of mission work.

Interested in volunteering with one of our member organizations? The need for licensed healthcare professionals and non-licensed volunteers is at an all-time high.