Staff & Board

Executive Director

Kristen Houser Rapp, MPA
Executive Director

Learn more about Kristen ⮕

If you are interested in becoming a board member, please review the job description and application information below.


The Pennsylvania Charitable Healthcare Coalition Board of Director positions are 3-year terms and begin on July 1st.

  • The Board of Directors is capped at 13 members.

  • The PCHC Board meets bi-monthly by video conference call and once per year in person.

  • The Board holds an annual membership meeting.

  • Active participation is expected of all board members.

Please find more details on board member expectations here ➤

PCHC Committees

As outlined in the PCHC Bylaws the following standing committee structure is used by the PCHC Board of Directors to execute the Coalition’s business. These Committees do not have standard meeting dates, but convene as needed.

  • This Committee consists of the PCHC Board President who serves as Committee Chair, the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

    Responsibilities Include:

    • Exercising the power of the Board between meetings

      • With the exception of amending the bylaws

    • Evaluates performance and salary of the Executive Director

    • May invite additional Directors to serve on the Executive Committee as needed

  • The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer, who serves as Committee Chair, the Board Chair, and at least two other board members.

    Responsibilities Include:

    • Ensuring that financial management policies and practices are documented and followed

    • The annual audit occurs in a timely fashion for presentation at the annual meeting

    • Any changes recommended by the outside auditor are incorporated in financial practices as required

    • Developing, overseeing, and reviewing:

      • Monthly written financial statements and reports

      • The annual budget

      • IRS 990 and BOC forms

      • Long-range financial planning documents.

  • The Governance Committee consists of the Vice President, who chairs the Committee, and one to three additional Directors.

    Responsibilities include:

    • Identifying and recruiting new board members

    • Presenting board officers and members for a vote at the annual meeting

    • Reviewing committee structure based on written charters and membership

    • Reviewing bylaws at the close of each fiscal year

    • Developing and implementing a board orientation program for new members

    • Promoting training and development of board members

    • Keeping the Conflict of Interest Statement up to date

    • Maintaining a current strategic plan.

  • The Policy Committee consists of one of the Board members serving as Chair and at least two other individuals from the Board and/or membership.

    Responsibilities include:

    • Research and evaluation of any legislative actions that would affect or pertain to members of the Association

    • Dissemination of information about such legislation

    • Prepare and disseminate policy statements about issues that will affect or pertain to members of the Association

    • Participation in educational meetings with Legislators and/or their Aides

  • Chaired or co-chaired by the Board and consists of at least two other individuals from the Board and/or membership, and the Executive Director.

    Responsibilities include:

    • Identifying topics for monthly educational webinars and developing an annual calendar

    • Contacting potential webinar presenters to request their participation and communicating with FCAP staff

    • Organizing and presenting an annual educational conference for members of the Association

    • Developing the conference agenda

    • Securing knowledgeable presenters

    • Selecting the city and venue for the conference

    • Securing sponsors for the conference

      • Minimizes registration costs for members

    • Marketing and promoting the conference

We can use your help! Please let us know if you’re interested in learning more about joining one of these Committees. 
Call 717-585-1803 or e-mail to learn more how you can get involved.